Below are some common reasons why back-in-stock is not working for your store.
Auto Placement doesn't work for theme
Some themes may not work for auto placement. If auto placement doesn't work, we highly recommend you to try using selector placement. Selector placement allows you to visually insert widgets into your site without any technical work.
The other option is to use custom placement manually insert widget snippet.
Not using main theme
Back in stock app will only work for your main theme. When you install the app, we will automatically add loader and other initialization scripts to your main theme. It won't work for non-main themes even if you use custom placement.
You can temporary switch main theme to resolve this but keep in mind that scripts will only be synced with store's main theme. This practice is adopted by many other apps as well (to avoid adding scripts to all your themes). Thus, we recommend setting up a separate store for development if you need to work on another theme.
Scripts not sync
In rare occasions, scripts may not be fully synced with your store.
To resolve that, go to one of the following page according to you ecommerce platform and click Sync Scripts to manually resync OnVoard scripts.
Missing url query string for variant
For Shopify store, url should be updated with variant ID in query string whenever a variant is selected. For example:
If variant query string is missing from url, our app won't be able to detect selected variant. Contact your theme developer to get them support this since this is a convention supported by most Shopify themes.
Emails are not sending due to batch limits
When batch sending is turned on, it may filter sending within specified window. You can opt to use Notify All Subscribers at Once to check if emails are not sending due to batch limits.
Ensure inventory is unavailable when out-of-stock
Back-in-stock widgets won't be shown if product is configured to continue selling even when it is out-of-stock. For example, on Shopify, you need to ensure the "Continue selling when out of stock" is not ticked for invetory.