In order to add back-in-stock to Wix collection page, you need to add custom code to your Wix site.
Install Back In Stock
First, ensure that you've already install back-in-stock to your Wix store.
Adding Custom Code to Body Footer
See how you can add custom code for Wix.
- Go to Settings in your site's dashboard.
- Click the Custom Code tab in the Advanced section.
- Add code to Body - End
Use the following config
- Add Code to Pages: Load code on each new page
- Place Code in: Body - end
- Code Type: Essential
Paste the following snippet
<!-- BackInStock Custom Trigger --> <script> function ovSetupBackInStockTriggers() { let callback = () => { let pageId = wixEmbedsAPI.getCurrentPageInfo().id; let nodeList = document.querySelectorAll(`#SITE_PAGES #${pageId} [data-hook='product-list'] [data-hook='product-list-grid-item'] [data-hook='product-item-root']`); nodeList.forEach((el) => { const ahrefEl = el.querySelector(`a[data-hook='product-item-container']`); if (!ahrefEl) return; let href = ahrefEl.getAttribute('href'); if (!href.includes("product-page")) return; let paths = href.split("/"); let slug = paths.slice(-1)[0]; if (!slug) return; let product = window.OnVoardData['collection_products'][slug]; if (!product) return; if (!product.isInStock) { let spanEl = document.createElement("span"); spanEl.setAttribute("class", "ov-bis-trigger"); spanEl.setAttribute("data-wix-product", JSON.stringify(product)); spanEl.textContent = 'Notify me when available'; let divEl = document.createElement("div"); divEl.setAttribute("class", "ov-app ov-bis-notify"); divEl.appendChild(spanEl); let existingDiv = el.querySelector(`.ov-app.ov-bis-notify`); if (existingDiv) existingDiv.remove(); el.appendChild(divEl); } }) }; // wait for collection_products let interval = 0; let handle = window.setInterval(() => { if (interval > 1000*10) { clearInterval(handle); return; } if (window.OnVoardData && window.OnVoardData['page_type'] === 'collection' && window.OnVoardData['collection_products']) { clearInterval(handle); callback() return; } interval += 100; }, 100); } if (!window.OnVoardData) window.OnVoardData = {}; window.OnVoardData['load_collection_products'] = 1; ovSetupBackInStockTriggers(); </script> <style> .ov-bis-trigger { font-size: 14px; color: #6d7390; } .ov-bis-trigger:hover { cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline; } .ov-bis-notify { margin-top: 8px; margin-bottom: 15px; } </style>
<!-- BackInStock Custom Trigger -->
Need help installing?
If you need additional help to install, you can contact us.