You can configure merchant settings to expire points after certain periods if member didn't engaged with program. Setting points expiry may help to boost engagement rates since customers would need to continuously engage with your store in order to make full use of their points.
How to set points expiry?
To set points expiry, go edit merchant settings. Scroll to Points Expiry section and turn it on.
Below are configurations for points expiry.
Days Before Expire
Number of days before points expire. Must be at least 90. If unsure, we recommend sticking to 365.
Points Extension Activity Types
Specify activity types that will extend points expiry. Earn Points
must be included in selections. This means that points expiry will be extended whenever member earn points. Other activity types:
Redeem Reward
- Extend points expiry when member redeem a reward.
Points Adjustment
- Extend points expiry when member's points is adjusted by admin. In most cases, you won't be selecting this activity type.
Earn Points
as the only points extension activity types.