Milestone Period Campaigns
Use milestone period campaigns to give points when customer hit milestones within a time period. Below is a sample setup for contact activity rule:
Give 200 points when customer hit $300 spent within 90 days window.
- To replicate, add earn points rule and select Contact Activity rule type. Then use the config below.
- We're giving 200 points for this rule.
- For contact activity type, we're using Order Fulfilled. We're using Shopify for this example but similar activity is available for other ecommerce platforms as well.
- We are using order fulfilled activity instead of order placed because contact's total spent is calculated based on fully paid order, which may not be the case when an order has just been placed.
- Leave Contact Activity Conditions empty.
- Turn on earning limit and configure such that member can only earn points from this rule 1 time over all time.
- This is an important config because otherwise member will keep earning points for every order fulfilled.
- For conditions, filter for contact with last 90 days total spent of at least $300.