By default, OnVoard automatically generates a set of predefined contact properties.

Predefined Properties

id: Unique identifier for contact.

first_name: First name of contact. This is auto generated from contact's name.

last_name: Last name of contact. This is auto generated from contact's name.

name: Name of contact.

email: Email for contact.

phone: Phone for contact.

suppressed: Suppressed contacts won't receive any message from you via OnVoard and will not be tracked.

email_sendable: If true, OnVoard will be able to send emails to this contact. Will be false if any of suppressed, email_unsubscribedemail_marked_as_spam, or email_hard_bounced is true.

email_unsubscribed: If contact has unsubscribed from your emails.

email_marked_as_spam: If contact has marked your email as spam. If true, OnVoard will no longer attempt to send any emails to this contact.

email_hard_bounced: If previous emails sent to contact returns hard bounce error. If true, OnVoard will no longer attempt to send any emails to this contact.

email_soft_bounced_count: Number of soft bounces without any successful email delivery. If number reaches 5, we will unsubscribe contact and set email_hard_bounced to true. Counter resets to 0 upon successful email delivery.

tags: List of tags for contact.

country: Country of contact's address.

region: Region name of contact's address. Typically a province, a state, or a prefecture.

city: City of contact's address.

street_address: Contact's street address.

postal_code: Postal code of contact's address.

timezone: Timezone for this contact.

is_from_eu: Value is automatically generated by our system. This will be true if either country or ip_country is part of EU.

dob: Contact's date of birth.

age: Contact's age. This is automatically generated based on date of birth.

days_until_next_birthday: Number of days until next birthday. This is automatically generated based on date of birth.

created_datetime: Datetime contact was created.

suppressed_datetime: Datetime contact was suppressed. This value will only be set for suppressed contact.

total_spent_last_90_days: Total spent from contact over the last 90 days. Cancelled, unpaid and refunded orders are automatically deducted.

total_spent_last_365_days: Total spent from contact over the last 365 days. Cancelled, unpaid and refunded orders are automatically deducted.

total_spent: Total spent based on orders history. Cancelled, unpaid and refunded orders are automatically deducted.

total_refunds: Total refunded amount based on orders history. Will exclude cancelled and voided orders.

last_order_placed_at: Datetime on when contact last placed an order.

num_valid_orders: Total number of valid orders from this contact. Will exclude cancelled and voided orders.

ip_country: Country inferred from contact's IP address.

ip_region: Region inferred from contact's IP address.

ip_city: City inferred from contact's IP address.

ip_timezone: Timezone inferred from contact's IP address.

last_email_delivered_at: Datetime on when we last delivered email to contact.

last_email_opened_at: Datetime on when contact last open email send from us.

last_email_clicked_at: Datetime on when contact last click email send from us.

 You can also add custom properties to store additional information for your contacts. See how you can add custom contact properties.