Activities denote actions done by contacts. Keeping track of contact's activities have several uses.

Activities can be used to segment contacts. For example, users with placed order activity within the last 14 days can be segmented as Recent Customer.

Workflow Trigger
Activities are also commonly used as triggers to start a workflow. For example, a Checkout Abandonment Workflow would be triggered by Started Checkout Activity.

See available contact activities for your account.


Activity Data

Each activity will have it's own resource to store collected data records. 


To view collected data records for each activity, go to contact activities page and click View Records for activity. 

"activity_id": "ctact_zeftuiqddd1qmgt58ydt",
"activity_datetime": 1592650039,
"contact_id": "ct_99pjwz4m1sx9ej8",
"contact_email": "",

"email_id": "em_vd5rmbu15cktuiz",
"email_name": "still-mouse-1358",
"broadcast_id": "brd_n80lwnvxpolpm26",
"recipient_id": "erpt_uumm1bputajjjdd",
"broadcast_token": "shrill-queen-1328"

 This is an example of how a record for Email Delivered activity looks like. 



You can also add custom activity to track additional activities from contacts.  See how you can add custom contact activities.