Before you use this logic

Keep in mind that this logic may not always have recommendations for every products. This means that if a product is new or doesn't have another frequently purchased together products, there won't be recommendations for that product. If you still want to display recommendations for the product, you can use a fallback recommender.


Use frequently bought together to upsell commonly bought together products. This logic will look through your store's orders and identify products that are commonly purchased together. The algorithm used to implement this is association rules.


Model Update Interval 1 day
Can Manually Update Model No
Can Preview Output No
Recommendations Build Time Expect to wait for a few minutes.



  • Product combinations (A -> B) must be purchased together for at least once.
  • Lift must be at least 1.5. This means that users are at least 1.5X more likely to buy product B together with product A.


Where should you place this recommendation?

Product Page

Due to it's high relevance, we recommend placing this recommendation in product page above all other product recommendations.

Cart Page

If this logic is used on cart page, we will find product recommendations based on your cart items. If cart is empty, there won't be any product recommendations.