How should I structure my points program?
Keep your points system as simple as possible. Make it easy for user to quantify how much their points are worth so they can understand the value of it.
Earn 1 point for every $1 spent
For place order, opt to use 1-to-1 points system. This way, customer can easily know how much points they can earn from their purchase. This is important because say if a customer "aims" to unlock a reward but lacks points, they can easily deduce how much purchase they need to make in order to make-up for required points.
At the same time, it also allows customers to easily know how much each reward is worth. For example, if you have a $10 off coupon that requires 500 Points. Customer can easily deduce that spending $500 gives them $10 off their next purchase.
Many retailers like Starbucks who've previously used uneven points system (2 Points for $1 Spent) have now switched to a 1-to-1 points system.