Adding back-in-stock to BigCommerce category page
In order to add back-in-stock to BigCommerce category page, you need to use custom triggers and modify theme code. Below we will guide you through the setup.
Install Back In Stock
First, ensure that you've already install back-in-stock to your BigCommerce store.
Adding Snippet to Product Card
Next, edit BigCommerce theme and locate product card:
Paste the following snippet at end of product card. Adjust placement accordingly if there are alignment issues.
<!-- BackInStock Custom Trigger -->
<div class="ov-bis-notify" style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 15px; display: none;">
<a href="#"
style="font-size: 13px; color: #6d7390;"
data-product-external-id="{{ id }}"
Notify me when available
<!-- BackInStock Custom Trigger -->
Adding Snippet to Footer
Next, edit BigCommerce theme and locate footer:
Paste the following snippet at end of footer.
<!-- BackInStock Custom Trigger -->
<script> var ovCleanGraphQLResponse = (input) => { if (!input) return null const output = {} const isObject = obj => { return obj !== null && typeof obj === 'object' && !Array.isArray(obj) } Object.keys(input).forEach(key => { if (input[key] && input[key].edges) { output[key] = input[key] => ovCleanGraphQLResponse(edge.node) ) } else if (isObject(input[key])) { output[key] = ovCleanGraphQLResponse(input[key]) } else if (key !== '__typename') { output[key] = input[key] } }) return output } let ovCheckBisTriggers = (productIds) => { fetch('/graphql', { method: 'POST', credentials: 'same-origin', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': `Bearer {{settings.storefront_api.token}}` }, body: JSON.stringify({ query: ` query categoryProducts($productIds: [Int!]) { site { products (entityIds: $productIds, first: 50) { edges { cursor node { entityId name inventory { isInStock } variants { edges { node { ...VariantFields } } } } } } } } fragment VariantFields on Variant { entityId inventory { isInStock } options { edges { node { ...ProductOptionFields } } } } fragment ProductOptionFields on ProductOption { entityId displayName values { edges { node { entityId label } } } } `, variables: {productIds: productIds}, }), }) .then(res => res.json()) .then(json => { let results = ovCleanGraphQLResponse(json); let ovBisNodes = document.querySelectorAll(".ov-bis-notify .ov-bis-trigger"); for (let ovBisNode of ovBisNodes) { let productId = ovBisNode.getAttribute('data-product-external-id'); if (!productId) continue; let product = => `${row.entityId}` === `${productId}`)[0]; if (!product) continue; if (product.inventory && product.inventory.isInStock === true) continue; ovBisNode.setAttribute('data-bigcommerce-product', JSON.stringify(product)); = 'inherit'; } }); }; var ovCategoryProducts = []; var ovGlobalProducts = {{#if products}} {{{JSONstringify products}}} {{else}} [] {{/if}}; {{#if category}} ovCategoryProducts = {{#if category.products}} {{{JSONstringify category.products}}} {{else}} [] {{/if}}; {{/if}} var ovBisProductIds = []; ovCategoryProducts.forEach((row) => { if (ovBisProductIds.includes( return; ovBisProductIds.push(; }); ['new', 'featured', 'top_sellers'].forEach((key) => { let productRows = ovGlobalProducts[key];
if (!productRows) return; productRows.forEach((row) => { if (ovBisProductIds.includes( return; ovBisProductIds.push(; }); }); if (ovBisProductIds.length > 0) { ovCheckBisTriggers(ovBisProductIds); } </script>
<!-- BackInStock Custom Trigger -->
Need help installing?
If you need additional help to install, you can contact us.