Non-Sendable Contacts are contacts that won't receive any delivered emails. These contacts will not be billed. 

A contact is deemed non-sendable if any of the following is true:

  • Is suppressed
  • Unsubscribed from emails
  • Marked email as spam
  • Hard bounce from previous emails 


Is Suppressed

Suppressed contacts also won't be tracked by OnVoard. See definition for suppressed contacts.


Unsubscribed from emails

Contacts can be unsubscribed by end-user themselves or by admin. This status can be modified via email_unsubscribed field.


Marked Email as Spam

If a contact marked your email as spam, OnVoard will no longer attempt to send any emails to that contact again. This config is permanent and can't be modified. We're setting this config permanent in order to protect your sending reputation and improve email deliverability.


Hard bounce from previous emails 

Contact will be marked as hard bounced if previous emails sent to contact returns hard bounce error.

If a contact hard bounced, OnVoard will no longer attempt to send any emails to that contact again. To protect your sending reputation and improve email deliverability, this config is permanent and can't be modified.