Install Product Recommender on Shopify
Install Product Recommender App
Shopify merchants can use Product Recommender by installing the app from Shopify app store.
Prerequisite: Syncing Products and Orders Data
After installing, OnVoard will automatically import your products and orders data in the background. Depending on the number of records, it take anywhere from a few minutes to days for records to be fully imported. If your store have > 100,000 products, import will definitely take more than 1 day.
Check Imported Products
You can go to products page to view imported products.
Initial Setup
While the records are importing, you can still setup product recommender. For initial setup, we suggest creating Recently Viewed as your first recommender to see how things work.
Why Recently Viewed? Recently viewed logic doesn't require orders data to be imported before it can generate meaningful recommendations. Also, recommendations build time for recently viewed is very fast.
What happens if recommenders are created before data gets fully synced?
Our system will use available records to generate recommendations model and update it periodically.
Setup Product Recommender
Go to recommenders page and add a new recommender.
Select recommendation logic to use. Keep in mind that selected logic can't be changed later.
Select View to display recommendations widget. Once that is done, customize the rest of the styles and config based on your preference and click Submit to create recommender. It may take a few minutes for new recommenders to be installed in your store.
Build Recommendations Model
Our system will automatically build recommendations model for created recommender. Most recommendations model should be completed within a few minutes.
Recommender widget will be live when you see green ticks for both Status
and Model Status
Install Recommender Widget
To install recommender widget to your site. Select Show Instructions
to view installation instructions.
Installation Instructions
1) Initialize App
Click on Initialize App button to setup app for your theme. This is a mandatory step, even for manual installation.
2) App Block Installation
Use app block installation if your theme supports Online Store 2.0. For vintage themes, you would need to install manually. If app block installation work, you can skip Manual Installation
3) Manual Installation
Use this if you're using vintage theme. Snippet should look something like this:
<div class="ov-app ov-app-recommender"
Need help installing?
If you need additional help to install, you can contact us.
Uninstalling App